LS-DYNA Sense switch control

  • LS-DYNA has five terminal sense switch controls to determine the status of an in progress LS-DYNA simulation.
  • To accomplish a sense switch, first type a ^C .


  • On UNIX systems the sense switches can still be used if the job is running in the background or in batch mode.
  1. To interrupt LS-DYNA simply type kill -2 psid . LS-DYNA will first look for a file called switch which should contain the sense switch. Otherwise, an sw2. is assumed and the output is sent to standard out.
  2. Every 100 cycles LS-DYNA checks for a file name d3kil (may be renamed by k=.. in the execution line). This file may contain:
  • one of sense switches sw1. to sw4.
  • the word file , which causes LS-DYNA to write the sw2. information into a file status.out and execution is continued.

After this check the existing kill-file is deleted.

Plotting is terminated in two ways:

  • command end , or t will release the screen and plot data.
  • q or exe will save the plot data and keep the display active. If exe is used interrupt switch sw6. will allow plot commands to be sent to the plot package.

If exe is used interrupt switch sw6. will allow plot commands to be sent to the plot package.

In sequencing mode, i.e. periodic plots during LS-DYNA execution, sw7. will stop or restart the display.

The periodic plot commands can be reset during execution by using sw6.
