LS-DYNA parallel: SMP vs MPP

LS-DYNA parallel: SMP vs MPP
LS-DYNA, is an part of ANSYS software and it is a general purpose transient dynamic finite element program capable of simulating complex real world problems.
For large models, you can use the shared memory parallel processing (SMP) or the massively parallel processing (MPP) capabilities of ANSYS LS-DYNA to shorten the elapsed time necessary to run an analysis.
The shared memory parallel processing capabilities allow you to distribute model-solving power over multiple processors on the same machine.
The massively parallel processing (MPP) capabilities of ANSYS LS-DYNA allow you to run the LS-DYNA solver over a cluster of machines or use multiple processors on a single machine.
The SMP capability is expected to scale linearly when used with up to 5 processors. When used with more than 5 processors, any additional scalability is minimal; the larger the problem, the higher the potential for scalability.) If you are using more than 5 processors, we recommend using the MPP capability, which offers excellent scalability regardless of the number of processors.

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